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BioReady Taq Mix is a novel pre-mixed PCR reaction solution that combines high-efficiency Taq enzyme with a special PCR enhancer, enabling efficient amplification of DNA templates from different species, types, and with varying GC content. Through the optimization of the enzyme and buffer, this reagent kit has improved sensitivity and exhibits strong tolerance to PCR inhibitors. It employs a high-efficiency, fast Taq enzyme, with amplification speeds as fast as 5 seconds per kilobase, reducing workload and saving amplification time.

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This reagent kit is highly versatile and can be used for gene expression analysis and genomic variation experiments in different species, including animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and more. It can be used for direct amplification of bacterial cultures or crude samples and is suitable for multiplex PCR experiments.

The reagent kit is available with or without a dye indicator, providing flexibility for customer needs. The version with a dye indicator, BioReady Taq Mix (with dye), slifies the process as it only requires the addition of templates and primers. The resulting PCR products can be directly analyzed by gel electrophoresis, making it a convenient and straightforward procedure.

High adaptability: suitable for amplification from samples of different sources, including high G/C content.

Fast Amplification Speed: 5s/kb.

Amplicon length (up to kb):<8Kb

Multiplex PCR: up to 12-plex detection

1. The experiment was conducted using BioReady Taq Mix to amplify fragments of different origins and lengths. The results of agarose gel electrophoresis are shown in the following figure: 1-3: Yeast, Shiitake mushroom, Oyster mushroom gDNA; 4-6: Feline herpesvirus, Pseudorabies virus, Avian Chlamydia gDNA; 7: Mouse cDNA; 8-9: Arabidopsis gDNA; 10-11: Human gDNA; 12-13: Lambda DNA; 14: Escherichia coli gDNA.

Results: The results show that BioReady Taq Mix exhibits good amplification capabilities and versatility, making it suitable for PCR amplification of various templates, including animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and more.

2. The experiment involved diluting high-concentration Escherichia coli DNA to concentrations of 0.4 ng, 0.2 ng, 0.1 ng, and 0.01 ng (as labeled in the gel image: 1-4). Different DNA amplification reagents, including BioReady Taq Mix from Bioer, as well as three competitive products (labeled as Vendor 1-3), were used to amplify a 16S target gene segment (1470 bp) to assess the sensitivity of the reagents.

Results: The results indicate that BioReady Taq Mix from Bioer can consistently amplify the target gene segment from genomic templates with concentrations as low as 0.01 ng. This demonstrates that its sensitivity is superior to the competitive products used in the experiment.