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Good news!!! BIORE three COVID-19 detection kit new products through the EU CE certification!

Three novel coronavirus diagnostic products were certified by CE.

Recently, Hangzhou Bioer Technology Co., Ltd. (BIOER) launched the three New Coronavirus diagnostic products: BSJ17 New Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A / B virus nucleic acid detection kit (fluorescence PCR method), BSK01 New Coronavirus antigen detection kit (colloidal gold method), BSK02 New Coronavirus antibody antibody test kit obtained the EU certification. It meets the relevant technical requirements of EU medical devices and can be sold and used in the international market with CE mark. New Coronavirus diagnostics is fully equipped to cover the market of immunodiagnosis and molecular diagnostics. It can provide an overall solution for the new crown international epidemic prevention and control.


Bsj17 product features:

Early diagnosis: specific fluorescence quantitative PCR can be used to diagnose patients in the early stage of infection

1 + 3 mode: the ability of sampling once and typing three viruses by labeling different fluorescent groups on specific probes

Reduce the burden: reduce the detection intensity of medical staff and optimize the allocation of medical resources to the greatest extent

High sensitivity: the detection sensitivity can reach 500 copies / ml

Strong specificity: no cross reaction with other viruses

Simple operation: complete RT-PCR in one step, complete closed tube amplification and detection to prevent aerosol pollution

Product features of bsk01 and bsk02:

Early diagnosis: it can be diagnosed within 1 to 7 days after infection

Simple operation: just collect nasopharyngeal swabs for detection

High safety: it can realize home inspection and reduce the risk of infection

Strong specificity: no cross reaction with other viruses

Quick diagnosis: it only takes 15min to get the result

Application case

The samples of novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, influenza A virus and influenza B virus were diluted 10 times by gradient and extracted and detected by BSC86, respectively.

Fig. 1 ORF1ab gene novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

Fig. 2 N gene of New Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

Figure 3 influenza A virus

Figure 4 influenza B virus

The results showed that the amplification correlation coefficients were more than 0.995 according to 10 times gradient dilution, and the linear relationship was good.

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