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Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) is an important pathogen of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children and adults, which causes respiratory disease through droplet or aerosol transmission and direct contact. Therefore, it has important clinical significance to monitor it.

This kit is used for the qualitative detection of the Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (MP) in specimens of oropharyngeal swabs from suspected cases. The reaction system of this kit contains the dUTP-UDG enzyme anti-pollution system to avoid false positive results; at the same time, in order to control the entire extraction and detection process, human RNaseP gene was act as a non-competitive internal control during the extraction and detection process. The kit can be applied to Bioer’s Fluorescence Quantitative Detection System, LineGene 9600 Plus (FQD-96A) or QuantGene 9600 (FQD-96C). It has the features of good specificity and high sensitivity.

Product Details FAQ Specification Instructions

This product selects the pl (FAM) region of MP and designs a pair of primers and a fluorescent probe. The primer and probe can specifically bind to the target sequence. When the PCR amplification reaction is performed, the fluorescent signal(s) can be detected by a full-automatic fluorescent PCR detector to realize real-time online monitoring of the PCR reaction.

The reaction system of this kit contains the dUTP-UDG enzyme anti-pollution system to avoid false positive results; at the same time, in order to control the entire extraction and detection process, human gene was act as a non-competitive internal control during the extraction and detection process.

• Strong applicability: Suitable for human pharyngeal swabs.

High sensitivity: Three different batches of reagents were used to test and the sensitivity can reach to 200 copies/mL.

Good specificity: No cross reactivity has been observed by testing the clinical positive specimens such as Ureaplasma Urealyticum, Influenza A (HIN1), Influenza B (Victoria), Respiratory Syncytial Virus A/B, Parainfluenza Type 3,etc.

• Excellent anti-interference ability:Endogenous inhibitors (such as blood, mucin, and nasal secretions) and exogenous inhibitors (such as common drugs for treating colds or other similar symptoms) showed no influence on the detection.

High precision: Positive controls and low positive controls reference were tested by 3 lots of kits with 10 replicates by 2 operators for 20 days. The results showed that the variation coefficient (CV) of within-day, between-day, within-batch and between-batch were less than 5%.

• Simple operation: The PCR test can be finished within 32 min.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) test

The kit can be stored for 5 days at 2-8℃ after opening.

Cat# Product Name Packing size
BSJ09S1 Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Fluorescent PCR) 24T
BSJ09M1 Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Fluorescent PCR) 48T
BSJ09L1 Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Fluorescent PCR) 96T