Storage and transportation The kit has demonstrated stability of 24 months when stored at room temperature. The kit can be transported at room temperature. ...
Storage The PK solution must be stored at 2~8℃, other components in the kit may be deposited at room temperature.All components, when stored properly, can keep stable for 18 months. ...
Storage and transportation The kit has demonstrated stability of 24 months when stored at room temperature.The kit can be transported at room temperature. Technical ...
Reagent prepared by the user Absolute ethanol (AR). Storage and transportation The kit can be transported at room temperature. ...
Fast and simple; all the work can be finished within 15min. Safe, non-toxin, no need of phenol/chloroform extraction. High yield, up to 95%. Wide recovery range, DNA ...
Fast and simple; all the work can be finished within 40min. Safe, non-toxin, no need of phenol/chloroform extraction. Sample treating capacity up to 50mg/test. Good D...